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The company


ION, SA is a company dedicated since 1978 to the development, production and marketing of chemical specialties aimed at companies in all industrial sectors, construction and services, as well as official institutions and organizations.

At ION, SA we invest our human, technical and economic resources in achieving products with high added value, designed to improve the activity of companies, following criteria of quality, safety and respect for the environment. These criteria, together with business values ​​based on innovation and continuous improvement, have led to the consolidation of ION, SA as a leading company in its sector, which allows us to permanently renew our commitment to satisfy each and every one of our clients.

ION,SA focuses its activity on:

The manufacture of chemical products (Industrial Registry No. 29/18736)

The manufacture, preparation, transformation and packaging of detergents, disinfectants, insecticides, degreasers, descalers, polishes, lubricants and products included in other subkeys for use in the food industry (Sanitary Registry No. 37.0000104/MA).

Packaging of coating agents (includes mold release agents), peeling and washing agents and water treatment products (Sanitary Registry No. 31.01330/MA)

Packaging of plastic materials, paints, varnishes and coatings in contact with food (Health Registry No. 39.0003055/MA).

Registry of Biocidal Establishments and Services: 0032/AND/700 (Manufacturing) and 0032/AND/701 (Marketing).

AENOR Certification


ION, SA is a company registered by AENOR in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 (ER-0001/1997) standard.




ION, SA establishes its quality policy for all its design, production, development and marketing activities that guarantee that each action meets the highest standards. In this way, it maintains this policy as an essential tool to achieve its fundamental objective: the satisfaction of our customers.

To achieve this goal, ION, SA focuses on the following aspects:

  1. Understand the current and future needs of our clients, satisfy their requirements and progressively exceed their expectations.

  2. Provide an adequate internal environment, so that all staff are involved in the company's objectives, as well as in improving their training and education.

  3. Maintain the progressive achievement of continuous improvement in our activities, products and quality of customer service as the company's main guideline.

Its Quality Policy commits ION,SA to:

Be adequate to the purpose of the organization by offering quality in all the activities it carries out, quality being understood as the participation and commitment of all those who make up the organization, in order to satisfy the needs and expectations of all its clients.

Search and select raw materials that reduce or eliminate (as long as the purpose of the product allows it) the toxicity and/or danger of the products it researches, develops and produces. In addition, the use of raw materials from recycling is prioritized.

Achieve a high level of safety at work, based on the principle that all accidents and occupational diseases can and should be avoided. Thus understanding that the life, physical integrity and health of employees are rights whose protection must be a constant in daily work.

Promote a positive environment of development, participation and training with employees.

Comply with the requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, which implies the management of the necessary means so that the Quality Policy is known, understood and implemented at the appropriate levels of the organization.

ION, SA is a company dedicated since 1978 to the development, production and marketing of chemical specialties aimed at companies in all industrial sectors, construction and services, as well as official institutions and organizations.


ION, S.A.    Industrial and professional chemistry

C/ Tucídides, 50 - Parque Empresarial Santa Bárbara
29004 -  MALAGA  (ESPAÑA)

(+34) 952 241 111

© 2025 ION, S.A.
Todos los derechos reservados.